Learn financial education together.

Money plays a large role in a person's overall well-being, and the stresses of managing money and dealing with financial pitfalls can take a huge toll on your emotional health. If left uncontrolled, this emotional burden can spread into other areas of your life. Because we each value different things, traditional measures such as income or net worth, while important, do not necessarily or fully capture aspects of financial well-being.

Join one of our cohorts today and gain the knowledge, skills, and practice for your personal financial well-being.

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Learn more

What is the Candid Cohort?

The Candid Cohort is a 4 month group of people banded together to learn Financial Life Values, Decision Making, Personal Financial Management, and Live Financial Freedom.

Together you gain insight, resources, and skills. The Cohort will also include supplemental activities that enhance learning by providing opportunities to apply knowledge and demonstrate skills.

In the end, you will have the ability to

  1. Have control over your day-to-day, month-to-month finances
  2. Have the capacity to absorb a financial shock
  3. Be on track to meet your financial goals
  4. Have the financial freedom to make the choices that allow you to enjoy life

Financial competence shapes your life in extended ways by enhancing access to health care, credit, asset accumulation, investment income, and asset protection. There is a greater-than-ever need for a change in financial decision making, change that is based on effective education, strong social support, and feedback.

What You'll Learn

Financial Life Values

We all make our decisions on the basis of inner values, social values, physical values, and financial values. But certain values influence us more than others. 

Financial Decision Making

Money decisions, big and small are almost never only about the money! Real education can begin when we realize this truth, education that changes behavior over the long term.

Personal Financial Management

Learn to control your day-to-day, month-to-month finances. Start understanding and practicing, not only the basics of budgeting, spending, and saving, but also the economic environment which has increasingly become more impersonal and more uncertain.

Financial Freedom

Folks who follow their financial values tend to enjoy their jobs mostly for financial benefits. Learn how to have the financial freedom to make the choices that allow you to enjoy life.

From the CEO

We are encountering a mountainous assortment of necessary decisions as we assess the financial considerations and problems we encounter.

We as ourselves:

  • Will we have enough money
  • to get a home?
  • to have a family?
  • to enjoy our lives?
  • to deal with illnesses and other unplanned emergencies?
  • to start our own business?

The answers lie in understanding and practicing, not only the basics of budgeting, spending, and saving, but also in learning:

  • The financial and marketing worlds around them and how they function
  • The customs and practices of financial institutions, and the corporations, retailers, and government agencies with which they transact personal business
  • Understanding the cultural and social factors that cause poor choices or self-sabotaging behavior

Lasting behavioral change requires us to experience change at deeper levels while understanding our own behavior in relation to self, family, and the greater society.


Candid Cash is that Solution!

Unlock Your Potential for Financial Well-Being

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